The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

16th April 2023

Great Comp Gardens Spring Fling

Great Comp Garden, Comp Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent

TN15 8QS

Some Of Our Products
Handmade Kentish Trugs

Handmade Kentish Trugs

sale £35.00

These Kentish Trugs are handmade using sweet chestnut, willow and hazel. If looked after they will last at least 20 years and are excellent for use as a fruit bowl, or the displaying of pot-plants.
Luxury Willow Hamper

Luxury Willow Hamper


This includes The Norfolk Willow Hamper Basket, (11 Items) - Fudge, Brittle, 3 X Chutneys, 100g Choc Bar, Small Gift Bags Cobnuts & Walnuts, Cobnut Oil, Hand Sanitiser, Coffee & Walnut Candle
Hand Forged Chestnut Roaster

Hand Forged Chestnut Roaster


Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic chestnuts in the lead up to Christmas the chestnut roasters are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Tree Planting Packs

Tree Planting Packs


When planting any nut or fruit tree it is strongly advisable to stake, tie and guard the tree. The walnut  tree co now provides a tailor made machined tree stake 150 cm/50 mm, strong soft rubber tie and wire tree guard 2 ft by 2 ft . The cost of this complete pack is £15.00 inc. VAT for each tree station.
Natural Tree Feed Pellets

Natural Tree Feed Pellets

from £4.80

Alexander Hunt from the Walnut Tree Company has developed in conjunction with a sustainable innovation farm these easy-to-use natural tree feed pellets.

They are a nutrient rich bio fertiliser pellet made from agricultural crops and residues that have already been used for green power generation.
Farm Produced Almonds

Farm Produced Almonds

from £19.99

An Almond is an edible nut encased in shell with a downy outer grey / green coat. They are mainly grown in California, Spain, Italy, Australia and Turkey. These Almonds have been specially selected by Potash Farm for quality size and good flavour.
Cobnut Collection Nut Bowl

Cobnut Collection Nut Bowl

from £40.00

This bowl is made from English sycamore, grown in Sussex from sustainably managed mixed forests. It is hand turned and will comfortably hold a 454g bag of cobnuts.
Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm

Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm

from £15.95

A Kentish Cobnut Oil Repair Balm rich in vitamin E, ideal for general everyday use, or as an after shave balm for gentlemen.

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Lavender Oil

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Lavender Oil

from £13.50

At Potash Farm, we have blended Lavender essential oil with our nourishing Cobnut oil to produce a lovely hand sanitiser.
Roasted Cobnut Cappuccino Luxury Candle

Roasted Cobnut Cappuccino Luxury Candle

from £25.00

Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
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