The Walnut Tree Co.
During 2010 the Walnut Tree Company was sold to Alexander Hunt who
owns and runs Potash Farm at St Mary’s Platt near Sevenoaks in Kent (a
specialist and developed Cobnut growing business).
If anyone ordering
Kentish Cob trees would also like to consider Walnut trees, Sweet Chestnut trees, or Almond trees please do
look at our sister website, some pot grown Walnut trees and Cobnut trees are available all the year round. Please telephone to discuss.
Through Alexander Hunt's nursery connections he is able to source the finest selections of varieties of apple, apricot, cherry, damson, fig, gage, plum, medlar, mirabelle, mulberry, nectarine, peach, pear and quince. Broadly speaking, he is able to source three to four of the best varieties of the these fruit trees.
The Walnut Tree Company has a range of selected timber trees for
forestry and fruit trees for commercial growers and gardeners. Recent
customers include several prestigious UK forestry organisations from
both government and private sectors and many land owners, fruit growers
and gardeners across the United Kingdom. The company also has a list of
international clients. It also gives specialist advice for the
gardener, orchard, forest and amenities/landscape users.