from £10.95
Potash farm have just launched their luxury Kentish Cobnut and Kentish Bramley Apple Granola Muesli with no added sugar or salt. It is made with the highest quality ingredients with the famous Potash farm cobnuts and the Bramley apples grown at Perry court Wye in Kent. It comes in an excellent recyclable and resealable bag containing 750g.
from £5.95
"Potash Farm makes lots of lovely things from Kentish Cobnuts - we can't get enough of its, buttery, sweet and salty Cobnut Brittle."
BBC Olive Magazine
from £19.99
The fresh green walnuts from Potash farm are available during a short seasonal window from July 1st 2025 until July 31st 2025.
from £6.00
Due to popular customer demand these Walnuts are another specialty of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are the Walnuts. These make a traditional and excellent Christmas, Easter, or one off gift and are available in two sizes.
Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic Chestnuts in the
lead up to Christmas the Chestnut roasters are another speciality of the
Potash Farm range of gifts.
from £1.20
Potash Farm is able to offer small packets of our biscuits, confectionery, and chocolates as wedding favours.
from £14.00
The Sicilian Nut Grove is a hypnotic fragrance of lime and basil with sparkling mandarin top-notes.
from £15.95
This exclusive Walnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is an ideal alternative to the Kentish Cobnut oil and is good for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash frying or woking. It makes an ideal gift and comes in a 250ml bottle.
Three wick orchard pear and fresia luxury candle.
from £6.00
Due to popular customer demand these Walnuts are another specialty of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are the Walnuts. These make a traditional and excellent Christmas, Easter, or one off gift and are available in two sizes.