The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

Naturally Grown Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts

The Naturally Grown Green / Golden Cobnuts are available during August and September, and I advise all my potential customers to place early orders to avoid disappointment.

Availability: August to October.

These are continually sold throughout their short season as green and golden on the husks, golden brown on the husks, and brown on the husks - all with a distinct moist and nutty flavour.

Although Potash Farm is no longer a member of the Soil Association, these naturally grown cobnuts are farmed without the use of chemicals or sprays.

PREORDER AUG 2025 - Naturally Grown Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts - 500g


PREORDER AUG 2025 - Naturally Grown Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts - 1kg


PREORDER AUG 2025 - Naturally Grown Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts - 3kg


PREORDER AUG 2025 - Naturally Grown Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts - 5kg


PREORDER AUG 2025 - Naturally Grown Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts - 10kg


Latest Reviews

Glorious Cobnuts

Sadly, I LOVE green nuts of all kinds, but cobnuts in particular. These are beautiful and I can't get enough of them. I'm about to order my 3rd kilo this year. And the bonus is that the shells are anti-slug.

Other Products
Virgin Cold Pressed Kentish Cobnut Oil

Virgin Cold Pressed Kentish Cobnut Oil

from £15.95

This exclusive Kentish Cobnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is ideal for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash-frying or woking. Featured on ITV Ade In Britain, BBC The Hairy Bikers, and ITV The Hungry Sailors.
Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts Gift Bags

Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts Gift Bags

from £6.00

These are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are dehusked nuts. These make an excellent Christmas, Easter, or one-off gift and are available in two sizes.
Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts

Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts

from £12.50

A Cobnut is a type of hazelnut traditionally grown in Kent. They are harvested in their green state from mid August and with brown shells and husks by mid October. All the Cobnuts are sold dehusked from mid October onward.
Mixed Nuts

Mixed Nuts

from £12.50

Mixed Bag Of Nuts - Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, English Walnuts, And Almonds.
Farm Produced Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts

Farm Produced Green/Golden Kentish Cobnuts

from £7.50

The Green / Golden Cobnuts are available now, and I advise all my potential customers to place early orders to avoid disappointment.
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