from £7.50
The Green / Golden Cobnuts are available now, and I advise all my potential customers to place early orders to avoid disappointment.
Plattinums Kentish Cobnuts are lightly caramalised and enrobed in a 45% Belgian milk chocolate or 70% Belgian dark chocolate, they are a unique product world
wide and as a result of the small area of crops still grown are limited
in supply.
from £14.00
The Sea Salt and Nut Wood is a fresh fragrance of clean sea salt and woody sage.
Three wick orchard pear and fresia luxury candle.
Running beside the Potash Farm Chestnut roasters there are two
designs of toasting fork. Firstly the high quality wrought-iron toasting fork and the hand-forged wrought-iron toasting fork.
Our hessian gift bag is available to attractively present any three of our jars.
from £40.00
This bowl is made from English sweet chestnut, grown in Sussex from sustainably managed mixed forests. It is hand turned and will comfortably hold a 454g bag of cobnuts.
sale £35.00
These Kentish Trugs are handmade using sweet chestnut, willow and hazel. If looked after they will last at least 20 years and are excellent for use as a fruit bowl, or the displaying of pot-plants.
Cooking with Walnuts is a new book by Ann Olley, which features 113 recipes that use this most versatile and flavoursome nut.
sale £18.00
A gift bag selection of our specialist sauces including our Cranberry, Cobnut, Orange and Port Sauce, and the Handmade Smokey Roasted Pepper Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts, and finally the Handmade Thai Chilli Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts.