The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm
Some Of Our Products
High Quality Chestnut Roaster

High Quality Chestnut Roaster


Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic Chestnuts in the lead up to Christmas the Chestnut roasters are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Decorative Gold and Silver Walnuts

Decorative Gold and Silver Walnuts


These decorative Walnuts can be placed in a bowl arranged on their own or incorporated into flower arrangements, pot plants, Christmas Stockings or sprinkled over a fruit or nut bowl, greatly enhancing the contents.
Natural Tree Feed Pellets

Natural Tree Feed Pellets

from £4.80

Alexander Hunt from the Walnut Tree Company has developed in conjunction with a sustainable innovation farm these easy-to-use natural tree feed pellets.

They are a nutrient rich bio fertiliser pellet made from agricultural crops and residues that have already been used for green power generation.
Wet Walnuts

Wet Walnuts

from £15.00

The fresh wet walnuts from Potash farm will be available during a short seasonal window from Early October until Mid November. These are full of moisture and have a very distinct flavour and  a very good following with the connoisseur of nuts.
Tree Planting Packs

Tree Planting Packs


When planting any nut or fruit tree it is strongly advisable to stake, tie and guard the tree. The walnut  tree co now provides a tailor made machined tree stake 150 cm/50 mm, strong soft rubber tie and wire tree guard 2 ft by 2 ft . The cost of this complete pack is £15.00 inc. VAT for each tree station.
Hand Forged Toasting Fork

Hand Forged Toasting Fork


Running beside the Potash Farm Chestnut roasters there are two designs of toasting fork. Firstly the high quality wrought-iron toasting fork and the hand-forged wrought-iron toasting fork.
Farm Produced Pecan Nuts

Farm Produced Pecan Nuts

from £27.50

A Pecan nut is an edible nut encased in a brown shell with a tough outer green coat. They are mainly grown in Georgia, Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Outside the United States Pecan Nuts are grown in Australia, Brazil, China, Israel, Mexico, Peru and South Africa. These Pecans have been specially selected by Potash Farm for quality, size and good flavour.
Three Wick Orchard Pear And Fresia Luxury Candle

Three Wick Orchard Pear And Fresia Luxury Candle


Three wick orchard pear and fresia luxury candle.
Pot Grown Gunselburt Cobnut Trees

Pot Grown Gunselburt Cobnut Trees


These trees on average are three years old and are between 1m and 1.5m high. They are feathered with branches and are ideal for those wishing to extend their home orchard areas or for pot grown containers on patios/terraces.
Trio of Sauces

Trio of Sauces

sale £18.00

A gift bag selection of our specialist sauces including our Cranberry, Cobnut, Orange and Port Sauce, and the Handmade Smokey Roasted Pepper Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts, and finally the Handmade Thai Chilli Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts.
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