31st 1st 2nd 3rd 4th August 2019
from £6.00
These are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Attractively presented within the bag are dehusked nuts. These make an
excellent Christmas, Easter, or one-off gift and are available in two
A life times collection was purchased by Alexander Hunt from a family in Bromley and they vary in size, colour and decoration. Many are Georgian and Victorian and make an ideal but simple gift.
from £25.00
Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
from £14.00
The Sicilian Nut Grove is a hypnotic fragrance of lime and basil with sparkling mandarin top-notes.
from £25.00
Rich woody fragrance with fresh lemon notes, and a light nutty heart of cobnut and amber.
Made with a selection of four woods, namely cherry, hawthorn, oak and walnut. Easy to use with one hand and easily adjustable.
These decorative Walnuts can be placed in a bowl arranged on
their own or incorporated into flower arrangements, pot plants,
Christmas Stockings or sprinkled over a fruit or nut bowl, greatly
enhancing the contents.
from £25.00
Rich woody fragrance with fresh lemon notes, and a light nutty heart of cobnut and amber.
Plattinums Kentish Cobnuts are lightly caramalised and enrobed in a 45% Belgian milk chocolate or 70% Belgian dark chocolate, they are a unique product world
wide and as a result of the small area of crops still grown are limited in supply.
from £5.95
"Cobnuts are a type of hazelnut that, once dried, have a lovely sweet
flavour - and they taste superb in this lovely, buttery Handmade Kentish
Cobnut Shortbread from Potash Farm in Kent" Gregg Wallace, Telegraph Magazine