The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

27th 28th November 2021

Sissinghurst Castle Christmas Event

Sissinghurst Castle, Biddenden Rd, Cranbrook, Kent

TN17 2AB

Some Of Our Products
Handmade Kentish Cobnut Shortbread

Handmade Kentish Cobnut Shortbread

from £5.95

"Cobnuts are a type of hazelnut that, once dried, have a lovely sweet flavour - and they taste superb in this lovely, buttery Handmade Kentish Cobnut Shortbread from Potash Farm in Kent" Gregg Wallace, Telegraph Magazine
The Chutney, Marmalade and Spicy Red Onion Gift Bag

The Chutney, Marmalade and Spicy Red Onion Gift Bag

sale £17.00

This attractive gift bag includes one jar of each of the Handmade Rhubarb and Ginger Chutney with Kentish Cobnuts, Handmade Seville Orange Marmalade with Whisky and Kentish Cobnuts and the Spicy Red Onion Chutney with Kentish Cobnuts. Attractively presented in this fine display bag it again makes an ideal gift for Valentines Day, Mothering Sunday, Easter or at Christmas.
High Quality Toasting Fork

High Quality Toasting Fork


Running beside the Potash Farm Chestnut roasters there are two designs of toasting fork. Firstly the high quality wrought-iron toasting fork and the hand-forged wrought-iron toasting fork.
Handmade Kentish Cobnut Oil Natural Soap

Handmade Kentish Cobnut Oil Natural Soap

from £8.50

This is the first of the Potash farm cosmetics range and is a soap with a lovely fragrance of geranium and Kentish lavender. It's made with luxurious vegetable oils to condition and protect the skin while gently cleansing the surface layer. This allows skin to renew and repair itself from the deeper layers as nature intended. It's excellent for those with sensitive skins.

Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts Gift Bags

Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts Gift Bags

from £6.00

These are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are dehusked nuts. These make an excellent Christmas, Easter, or one-off gift and are available in two sizes.
Virgin Cold Pressed Kentish Cobnut Oil

Virgin Cold Pressed Kentish Cobnut Oil

from £15.95

This exclusive Kentish Cobnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is ideal for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash-frying or woking. Featured on ITV Ade In Britain, BBC The Hairy Bikers, and ITV The Hungry Sailors.
Trio of Sauces

Trio of Sauces

sale £18.00

A gift bag selection of our specialist sauces including our Cranberry, Cobnut, Orange and Port Sauce, and the Handmade Smokey Roasted Pepper Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts, and finally the Handmade Thai Chilli Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts.
Handmade Kentish Trugs

Handmade Kentish Trugs

sale £35.00

These Kentish Trugs are handmade using sweet chestnut, willow and hazel. If looked after they will last at least 20 years and are excellent for use as a fruit bowl, or the displaying of pot-plants.
Wet Walnuts

Wet Walnuts

from £15.00

The fresh wet walnuts from Potash farm will be available during a short seasonal window from Early October until Mid November. These are full of moisture and have a very distinct flavour and  a very good following with the connoisseur of nuts.
Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Thieves Oil

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Thieves Oil

from £13.50

At Potash Farm, we have blended Thieves oil, which is a blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary essential oils with our nourishing Cobnut oil to produce a lovely hand sanitiser.
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