The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

16th April 2023

Great Comp Gardens Spring Fling

Great Comp Garden, Comp Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent

TN15 8QS

Some Of Our Products
Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts

Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts

from £12.50

A Cobnut is a type of hazelnut traditionally grown in Kent. They are harvested in their green state from mid August and with brown shells and husks by mid October. All the Cobnuts are sold dehusked from mid October onward.
Virgin Cold Pressed Kentish Cobnut Oil

Virgin Cold Pressed Kentish Cobnut Oil

from £15.95

This exclusive Kentish Cobnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is ideal for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash-frying or woking. Featured on ITV Ade In Britain, BBC The Hairy Bikers, and ITV The Hungry Sailors.
Handmade English  Mustard With Kentish Walnuts

Handmade English Mustard With Kentish Walnuts

from £6.50

This is the first of the Potash Farm nut mustards. It has a great yellow colour with a good crunchy texture. It is excellent with all cold meats and cheeses.
Cobnut Collection Utensils

Cobnut Collection Utensils


These utensils are made from Kentish hazel trees, which are hand harvested on a coppice cycle. Coppiced hazel is very fast growing and is a strong and light wood as well as being a renewable resource that promotes woodland wildlife.
The Potash Farm Cosmetics Gift Pack

The Potash Farm Cosmetics Gift Pack

from £34.95

This comprises an attractive pack containing our three cosmetics products including the Kentish Cobnut Soap, the Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm and the new Kentish Cobnut Five Oils Facial Skin Care oil.

Kentish Cobnut Five Oils Facial Skin Care

Kentish Cobnut Five Oils Facial Skin Care

from £15.95

This oil has been produced by Potash Farm and is an excellent natural product to keep your skin in very good condition.

Handmade Award-winning Kentish Lavender Jelly

Handmade Award-winning Kentish Lavender Jelly

from £6.50

This award-winning Kentish Lavender Jelly is exceptional and it is being marketed by Potash Farm. It has a unique Kentish Lavender flavour and is an ideal accompaniment to cheeses, cold meats, turkey, game and duck. It can also be enjoyed with roast lamb or just eaten on toast.
Handmade Chilli Mustard With Kentish Cobnuts

Handmade Chilli Mustard With Kentish Cobnuts

from £6.50

This is the first of the Potash Farm nut mustards. It has a great colour with a little chilli and a good crunch. It is excellent with all cold meats and cheeses.
Wet Walnuts

Wet Walnuts

from £15.00

The fresh wet walnuts from Potash farm will be available during a short seasonal window from Early October until Mid November. These are full of moisture and have a very distinct flavour and  a very good following with the connoisseur of nuts.
Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Lavender Oil

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Lavender Oil

from £13.50

At Potash Farm, we have blended Lavender essential oil with our nourishing Cobnut oil to produce a lovely hand sanitiser.
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