The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

16th April 2023

Great Comp Gardens Spring Fling

Great Comp Garden, Comp Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent

TN15 8QS

Some Of Our Products
Cobnut Collection Chestnut Oil Dipping Bowl

Cobnut Collection Chestnut Oil Dipping Bowl

from £25.00

This bowl is made from English sweet chestnut, grown in Sussex from sustainably managed mixed forests. It is hand turned and is designed to hold a small quantity of cobnut oil, ideal for dipping bread into.
Farm Produced Walnut Gift Bags

Farm Produced Walnut Gift Bags

from £6.00

Due to popular customer demand these Walnuts are another specialty of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are the Walnuts. These make a traditional and excellent Christmas, Easter, or one off gift and are available in two sizes.
Cobnut Collection Nut Bowl

Cobnut Collection Nut Bowl

from £40.00

This bowl is made from English sycamore, grown in Sussex from sustainably managed mixed forests. It is hand turned and will comfortably hold a 454g bag of cobnuts.
Sea Salt and Nut Wood Diffuser

Sea Salt and Nut Wood Diffuser

from £14.00

The Sea Salt and Nut Wood is a fresh fragrance of clean sea salt and woody sage.
The Potash Farm Cosmetics Gift Pack

The Potash Farm Cosmetics Gift Pack

from £34.95

This comprises an attractive pack containing our three cosmetics products including the Kentish Cobnut Soap, the Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm and the new Kentish Cobnut Five Oils Facial Skin Care oil.

Coffee And Walnut Candle

Coffee And Walnut Candle

from £19.50

A velvety blend of dark roast coffee, blended with crushed walnuts, maple and hints of vanilla.
Farm Produced Pecan Nut Gift Bags

Farm Produced Pecan Nut Gift Bags

from £9.00

Due to popular customer demand these Pecans are another specialty of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the bag are the Pecan nuts. They make a traditional and excellent Christmas, Easter or one-off gift, available in two sizes.
Vanilla And Walnut Candle

Vanilla And Walnut Candle

from £19.50

A delectable blend of rich, roasted walnut and smooth creamy vanilla.
Handmade Kentish Cobnut Oil Natural Soap

Handmade Kentish Cobnut Oil Natural Soap

from £8.50

This is the first of the Potash farm cosmetics range and is a soap with a lovely fragrance of geranium and Kentish lavender. It's made with luxurious vegetable oils to condition and protect the skin while gently cleansing the surface layer. This allows skin to renew and repair itself from the deeper layers as nature intended. It's excellent for those with sensitive skins.

Christmas Kentish Trugs

Christmas Kentish Trugs

from £55.50

These are a speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the trug are Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, Christmas balls, ribbon and chrome nut crackers. These make an excellent Christmas table decoration or gift.
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