This includes the Cane Hamper Basket, (8 Items) - Fudge, Brittle, 3 X Chutneys, 100g Choc Bar, Small Gift Bags Cobnuts & Walnuts
from £14.00
The Sicilian Nut Grove is a hypnotic fragrance of lime and basil with sparkling mandarin top-notes.
from £25.00
Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
from £6.00
Due to popular customer demand these Almonds are another
specialty of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented
within the bag are the Almonds. These make a traditional and
excellent Christmas, Easter, or one off gift and are available in two
A life times collection was purchased by Alexander Hunt from a family in Bromley and they vary in size, colour and decoration. Many are Georgian and Victorian and make an ideal but simple gift.
from £15.95
This exclusive Walnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is an ideal alternative to the Kentish Cobnut oil and is good for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash frying or woking. It makes an ideal gift and comes in a 250ml bottle.
from £19.99
An Almond is an edible nut encased in shell with a downy outer grey / green coat. They are mainly grown in California, Spain, Italy, Australia and Turkey. These Almonds have been specially selected by Potash Farm for quality size and good flavour.
These decorative Walnuts can be placed in a bowl arranged on
their own or incorporated into flower arrangements, pot plants,
Christmas Stockings or sprinkled over a fruit or nut bowl, greatly
enhancing the contents.
from £5.95
"Potash Farm makes lots of lovely things from Kentish Cobnuts - we can't get enough of its, buttery, sweet and salty Cobnut Brittle."
BBC Olive Magazine
from £17.50
Zesty lime, with powdery basil and sweet mandarin give this fragrance a lively, fresh aroma. A perfect scent for livening up a room, or invigorating linens.