The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

8th 9th August 2021

The Great Comp Summer Show

Great Comp Garden, Comp Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent

TN15 8QS

Some Of Our Products
Sicilian Nut Grove Diffuser

Sicilian Nut Grove Diffuser

from £14.00

The Sicilian Nut Grove is a hypnotic fragrance of lime and basil with sparkling mandarin top-notes.
Handmade Thai Chilli Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts

Handmade Thai Chilli Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts

from £6.95

The simple combination of zesty lime, light soy sauce, ginger and garlic form the basis of this clean fresh flavoured sauce.
The Potash Farm Cosmetics Gift Pack

The Potash Farm Cosmetics Gift Pack

from £34.95

This comprises an attractive pack containing our three cosmetics products including the Kentish Cobnut Soap, the Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm and the new Kentish Cobnut Five Oils Facial Skin Care oil.

Christmas Kentish Trugs

Christmas Kentish Trugs

from £55.50

These are a speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the trug are Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, Christmas balls, ribbon and chrome nut crackers. These make an excellent Christmas table decoration or gift.
High Quality Chestnut Roaster

High Quality Chestnut Roaster


Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic Chestnuts in the lead up to Christmas the Chestnut roasters are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Handmade Chilli Mustard With Kentish Cobnuts

Handmade Chilli Mustard With Kentish Cobnuts

from £6.50

This is the first of the Potash Farm nut mustards. It has a great colour with a little chilli and a good crunch. It is excellent with all cold meats and cheeses.
Hobart Cast Iron Nutcracker

Hobart Cast Iron Nutcracker


The Hobart Nutcracker is an original Robert Welch design from 1964. Made from solid cast iron with a steel spindle.
Plattinums Kentish Cobnuts

Plattinums Kentish Cobnuts


Plattinums Kentish Cobnuts are lightly caramalised and enrobed in a 45% Belgian milk chocolate or 70% Belgian dark chocolate, they are a unique product world wide and as a result of the small area of crops still grown are limited in supply.
Cobnut Collection Salad Servers

Cobnut Collection Salad Servers


These salad servers are made from Kentish hazel trees, which are hand harvested on a coppice cycle. Coppiced hazel is very fast growing and is a strong and light wood as well as being a renewable resource that promotes woodland wildlife.
Fresh Green Walnuts for Pickling

Fresh Green Walnuts for Pickling

from £19.99

The fresh green walnuts from Potash farm are available during a short seasonal window from July 1st 2025 until July 31st 2025.
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