The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

3rd December 2022

Yalding Yuletide Celebrations

Yalding, Kent

ME18 6DR

Some Of Our Products
Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Thieves Oil

Luxury Hand Sanitiser with Thieves Oil

from £13.50

At Potash Farm, we have blended Thieves oil, which is a blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary essential oils with our nourishing Cobnut oil to produce a lovely hand sanitiser.
Handmade Apple, Date and Walnut Chutney

Handmade Apple, Date and Walnut Chutney

from £6.50

This chutney is an excellent alternative to the potash farm handmade rhubarb and ginger chutney with Kentish cobnuts. It goes very well with all cold meats and cheeses.
Cooking With Walnuts

Cooking With Walnuts


Cooking with Walnuts is a new book by Ann Olley, which features 113 recipes that use this most versatile and flavoursome nut.
Tree Planting Packs

Tree Planting Packs


When planting any nut or fruit tree it is strongly advisable to stake, tie and guard the tree. The walnut  tree co now provides a tailor made machined tree stake 150 cm/50 mm, strong soft rubber tie and wire tree guard 2 ft by 2 ft . The cost of this complete pack is £15.00 inc. VAT for each tree station.
Virgin Cold Pressed Walnut Oil

Virgin Cold Pressed Walnut Oil

from £15.95

This exclusive Walnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is an ideal alternative to the Kentish Cobnut oil and is good for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash frying or woking. It makes an ideal gift and comes in a 250ml bottle.
Christmas Kentish Trugs

Christmas Kentish Trugs

from £55.50

These are a speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts. Attractively presented within the trug are Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, Christmas balls, ribbon and chrome nut crackers. These make an excellent Christmas table decoration or gift.
Luxury Cane Hamper

Luxury Cane Hamper


This includes the Cane Hamper Basket, (9 Items) - Fudge, Brittle, 3 X Chutneys, 100g Choc Bar, Small Gift Bags Cobnuts & Walnuts, Cobnut Oil

Cobnut Collection Chestnut Gift Set

Cobnut Collection Chestnut Gift Set

from £89.50

These products are handmade from Kentish hazel and English sweet chestnut trees, which are hand harvested on a coppice cycle. Coppiced hazel is very fast growing and is a strong and light wood as well as being a renewable resource that promotes woodland wildlife.
Cobnut Collection Oil Dipping Bowl

Cobnut Collection Oil Dipping Bowl

from £25.00

This bowl is made from Kentish coppiced hazel. It is hand turned and is designed to hold a small quantity of cobnut oil, ideal for dipping bread into.
The Kentish Cobnut Recipe Cards (Digital Download)

The Kentish Cobnut Recipe Cards (Digital Download)


The Kentish Cobnut Recipe Cards collection is unique. It provides another excellent one off gift and comprises a fine range of recipes using cobnuts in first courses, main courses, deserts and with cheese.
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