from £6.50
This is the first of the Potash Farm nut mustards. It has a great colour with a little chilli and a good crunch. It is excellent with all cold meats and cheeses.
from £4.80
Alexander Hunt from the Walnut Tree Company has developed in conjunction with a sustainable innovation farm these easy-to-use natural tree feed pellets.
They are a nutrient rich bio fertiliser pellet made from agricultural crops and residues that have already been used for green power generation.
from £25.00
Rich woody fragrance with fresh lemon notes, and a light nutty heart of cobnut and amber.
from £15.95
This exclusive Walnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is an ideal alternative to the Kentish Cobnut oil and is good for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash frying or woking. It makes an ideal gift and comes in a 250ml bottle.
This hamper basket is handmade with leather straps, using cane from overseas and measures 30cm (12 inches) long x 21cm (8.5 inches) wide x 12 cm (4.75 inches) depth. If looked after it will last for years and they are excellent for use as a small hamper/picnic basket, a work basket for sewing / crochet, or for display purposes in the traditional farm house kitchen.
Made with a selection of four woods, namely cherry, hawthorn, oak and walnut. Easy to use with one hand and easily adjustable.
from £25.00
This bowl is made from Kentish coppiced hazel. It is hand turned and is designed to hold a small quantity of cobnut oil, ideal for dipping bread into.
Cooking with Walnuts is a new book by Ann Olley, which features 113 recipes that use this most versatile and flavoursome nut.
from £19.50
A velvety blend of dark roast coffee, blended with crushed walnuts, maple and hints of vanilla.
A life times collection was purchased by Alexander Hunt from a family in Bromley and they vary in size, colour and decoration. Many are Georgian and Victorian and make an ideal but simple gift.