from £5.95
"Potash Farm makes lots of lovely things from Kentish Cobnuts - we can't get enough of its, buttery, sweet and salty Cobnut Brittle."
BBC Olive Magazine
sale £35.00
These Kentish Trugs are handmade using sweet chestnut, willow and hazel. If looked after they will last at least 20 years and are excellent for use as a fruit bowl, or the displaying of pot-plants.
from £25.00
Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
from £55.50
These are a speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Attractively presented within the trug are Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, Christmas balls, ribbon and chrome nut crackers. These make an excellent Christmas table decoration or gift.
from £19.50
A velvety blend of dark roast coffee, blended with crushed walnuts, maple and hints of vanilla.
from £12.50
A Cobnut is a type of hazelnut traditionally grown in Kent. They are
harvested in their green state from mid August and with brown shells and
husks by mid October. All the Cobnuts are sold dehusked from mid October onward.
from £6.50
This is made with the finest ingredients and is especially good with all cold meats and cheeses.
from £1.20
Potash Farm is able to offer small packets of our biscuits, confectionery, and chocolates as wedding favours.
from £6.00
These are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Attractively presented within the bag are dehusked nuts. These make an
excellent Christmas, Easter, or one-off gift and are available in two
from £14.00
The Sicilian Nut Grove is a hypnotic fragrance of lime and basil with sparkling mandarin top-notes.