Three wick orchard pear and fresia luxury candle.
from £12.50
Mixed Bag Of Nuts - Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, English Walnuts, And Almonds.
from £12.50
Mixed Bag Of Nuts - Dehusked Kentish Cobnuts, English Walnuts, And Almonds.
from £15.95
This oil has been produced by Potash Farm and is an excellent natural product to keep your skin in very good condition.
from £25.00
Rich woody fragrance with fresh lemon notes, and a light nutty heart of cobnut and amber.
Plattinums Kentish Cobnuts are lightly caramalised and enrobed in a 45% Belgian milk chocolate or 70% Belgian dark chocolate, they are a unique product world
wide and as a result of the small area of crops still grown are limited
in supply.
from £15.95
This exclusive Kentish Cobnut Oil is grown, pressed and packaged by one of Potash Farm’s neighbours. It is ideal for drizzling over salads, grilling fish or meat and suitable for flash-frying or woking. Featured on ITV Ade In Britain, BBC The Hairy Bikers, and ITV The Hungry Sailors.
from £25.00
Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
This hamper basket is handmade with leather straps, using cane from overseas and measures 30cm (12 inches) long x 21cm (8.5 inches) wide x 12 cm (4.75 inches) depth. If looked after it will last for years and they are excellent for use as a small hamper/picnic basket, a work basket for sewing / crochet, or for display purposes in the traditional farm house kitchen.
from £10.00
A Chestnut is an edible nut often encased in a prickly husk and mainly grown in Spain, Italy and France. These Chestnuts have been specially selected by Potash Farm for quality size and good flavour.