The Walnut Tree Company
Potash Farm

8th 9th August 2021

The Great Comp Summer Show

Great Comp Garden, Comp Lane, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent

TN15 8QS

Some Of Our Products
Sicilian Nut Grove Diffuser

Sicilian Nut Grove Diffuser

from £14.00

The Sicilian Nut Grove is a hypnotic fragrance of lime and basil with sparkling mandarin top-notes.
Sea Salt and Nut Wood Diffuser

Sea Salt and Nut Wood Diffuser

from £14.00

The Sea Salt and Nut Wood is a fresh fragrance of clean sea salt and woody sage.
Belgian Milk Chocolate Bar with Kentish Cobnuts

Belgian Milk Chocolate Bar with Kentish Cobnuts

from £6.50

These bars are a good alternative to the popular Plattinums chocolate coated roasted cobnuts. The same high quality dark and milk chocolate is used for the bars as well as the chocolates. The chocolate bars make interesting gifts and go very well with a good cup of coffee after a meal. (min 110g)
Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm

Kentish Cobnut Skin Repair Balm

from £15.95

A Kentish Cobnut Oil Repair Balm rich in vitamin E, ideal for general everyday use, or as an after shave balm for gentlemen.

Vanilla And Walnut Candle

Vanilla And Walnut Candle

from £19.50

A delectable blend of rich, roasted walnut and smooth creamy vanilla.
Thai Dragon Chilli Cobnut Oil

Thai Dragon Chilli Cobnut Oil

from £18.50

A blend of cold-pressed Cobnut oil and Thai Dragon Chilli, a medium heat ideal for drizzling, as a dipping sauce and added to pasta dishes, chicken, pizzas and roast vegetables.
Roasted Cobnut Cappuccino Luxury Candle

Roasted Cobnut Cappuccino Luxury Candle

from £25.00

Sweet warm woody cobnut fragrance with strong roast coffee notes.
Handmade Roasted Pepper Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts

Handmade Roasted Pepper Sauce with Kentish Cobnuts

from £6.95

Morocan Influenced sauce infused with many spices including cumin, coriander and mint.
High Quality Chestnut Roaster

High Quality Chestnut Roaster


Due to popular customer demand by selling the organic Chestnuts in the lead up to Christmas the Chestnut roasters are another speciality of the Potash Farm range of gifts.
Cobnut Collection Sprung Tongs

Cobnut Collection Sprung Tongs


These sprung tongs are made from Kentish hazel trees, which are hand harvested on a coppice cycle. Coppiced hazel is very fast growing and is a strong and light wood as well as being a renewable resource that promotes woodland wildlife.
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